Contact: Mrinmoy Halder
Sundarban Forest is a vast and remote land mass, criss-crossed with hundreds of rivers, creeks and tidal channels. The civilization and human habitation comes to a halt along the northern and north-western fringe of the mangrove forest. Road network also ends at these natural boundaries, and further entry into the tiger land is only with water crafts.
Sundarban, the largest delta in the world, consists of 10,200 sq km of Mangrove Forest , spread over India (4200 sq km of Reserved Forest ) and Bangladesh (6000 sq km approx of Reserved Forest ) and is also the largest Mangrove Forest in the world. Another 5400 sq km of non-forest, inhabited region in India , along the north and north-western fringe of mangrove forest, is also known as Sundarban region in India . Hence, the total area of Sundarban region in India is 9600 sq km which constitutes the Sundarban Biosphere Reserve. Indian Sundarban is bound on the west by river Muriganga and on the east by rivers Harinbhahga and Raimangal. Other major rivers flowing through this eco-system are Saptamukhi, Thakuran, Matla and Goasaba.
Sundarban Biosphere Reserve was constituted by Government of India (GOI)in 1989 and it received the recognition of UNESCO under its Man and Biosphere (MAB) Programme in November, 2001. Sundarban National Park , forming the core area of Sundarban Tiger Reserve, received recognition as World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1987. It has been nominated by GOI for recognition as Ramsar Site (a wetland of international importance). Sundarban Tiger Reserve was constituted by GOI under Project Tiger scheme, in 1973. Sundarban is the only mangrove forest in the world which is the home of Tiger. Sundarban Tiger Reserve has the highest tiger population in the world.
Sundarban has extremely rich diversity of aquatic and terrestrial flora and fauna. Sundarban's highly productive ecosystem acts as a natural fish nursery. Sundarban Mangrove reduces the fury of cyclonic storm and prevents erosion due to tidal action. Finally, millions of people depend on Sundarban Ecosystem for their livelihood and sustenance through fishing, collection of honey and fuelwood/timber.
In general, the northern boundary and new depositions are characterized by Baen ( Avicennia marina , A. alba, A. officinalis ) flanked by foreshore grassland of Oryza coarctata (Dhani grass). Baen is gradually replaced by Genwa ( Excoecaria agallocha ) and then Goran ( Ceriops spp .). The southern and eastern associates include Garjan ( Rhizophora spp .), Kankra ( Bruguiera spp .), and few patches of Sundari ( Heritiera fomes ). Hental ( Phoenix spp .) forest exists in relatively high land and compact soil. Dhundul ( Xylocarpus granatum ), Passur ( Xylocarpus mekongensis ) and Nipa fruticans (Golpata) palm swamps are extremely limited.
• True Mangrove species = 26
• Mangrove associates = 29
• Back mangrove species= 29
• Family = 40
• Genera = 60
• Total Species = 84
Sundarban mangrove forest is the single largest home of the Royal Bengal Tiger( Panthera tigris ).
• True Mangrove species = 26
• Mangrove associates = 29
• Back mangrove species= 29
• Family = 40
• Genera = 60
• Total Species = 84
Sundarban mangrove forest is the single largest home of the Royal Bengal Tiger( Panthera tigris ).
Sundarban is also the only mangrove forest in the world having the tiger as its indigenous population. As per 2004 census, the tiger population in Indian Sundarban is around 274, out of which Sundarban Tiger Reserve and South 24-Parganas Forest Division have 249 Tigers and 25 tigers respectively. There are 58 species of mammals, 55 species of reptiles and around 248 bird species.
Sundarbans also harbors a good number of rare and globally threatened animals including Estuarine Crocodile ( Crocodilus porosus ), Fishing Cat ( Felis viverrina ), Common otter ( Lutra lutra ), Water Monitor lizard ( Varanus salvator ), Gangetic Dolphin ( Platinista gangetica ), Snubfin dolphin ( Orcella brevirostris ), River Terrapin (Batagur baska ), marine turtles like Olive Ridley ( Lepidochelys olivacea ), Green Sea Turtle ( Chelonia mydas ), Hawksbill Turtle ( Eritmochelys imbricata ). Six species of Shark and Ray, which are found here, are included in Schedule I of Wildlife (Protection) Act. These indicate that Sundarban Reserved Forest is a natural biodiversity hot spot.
Other mammals comprise of Wild boars, Spotted deer, Porcupines and Rhesus macaque. Among the reptiles, the King cobra, the common cobra, Banded krait, Russells Viper comprise the community of venomous reptiles, while the Python, Chequered Kil-Back, Dhaman , Green Whip Snake and several other species constitute the non-venomous snakes.
There are 248 species of birds including a large number of migrants from the higher latitudes that visit the area in winter. It consists of Herons, Egrets, Cormorants, Storks, Green Pigeons, Sand Pipers, Large and Small Spoonbills, Darters, Seagulls, Teal, Partridges, great variety of Wild Geese and Ducks.
Cetaceans like Snubfin (Irrawady) and Gangetic Dolphin are frequently found in the estuarine rivers, the former being more abundant. The Black Finless Porpoise ( Necmeris porosus ) is also found in the rivers near the estuary. The marshes and river offer asylum to the Estuarine Crocodile, one of the most endangered and the largest of crocodiles. A wide variety and assortments of fish, molluscs, crabs and prawns inhabit the estuaries. The amphibious mud-skipper fish such as Periopthalmus sp. and Boleopthalmus sp. arouse considerable interest. Also found are Whale Shark, Tiger Shark, Hammer Headed Shark, Saw fish, Guitar fish and some common edible fish e.g., Hilsa ilisha , Setipinna breviceps , Setipinna taty , Gudusia chapra etc. Among the crustaceans, commonly found are the One Armed Fiddler Crab ( Uca spp) and the two species of trilobite ( Tachypleus gigus and Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda) . The latter is also known as the Horse Shoe Crab, which is known as a living fossil and needs serious protection owing to its medicinal value and uncontrolled collection by quack doctors for commercial purpose.
Insects abound in the forests amongst which the honey bee ( Apis dorsata ) is a source of considerable income for the poor people living in fringe areas.
Vertebrate Spp = 481
Hemichordate Spp = 1
Invertebrate Spp = 1104
Protozoan species = 106
Mammals = 58
Birds = 248
Reptiles = 55
Still surviving
Bengal tiger
Siberian tiger
Indo-Chinese tiger
South China tiger
Sumatran tiger
Caspian tiger
Javan tiger
Bali tiger